Hunting For the Red Henna?

Oohh girls, if you need some henna lovin', the HennaMomma is here. She finds henna a very therapeutic addiction and is more than happy to share her 'drug' with you.. so c'mon over, browse around and get yourself intoxicated with some henna sugar..!!;)

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It's quiet here..

Been quite lately eh?;)

Well, for one, I've ran out of 'skin space' to draw on (yes, err, almost all parts of my body is name it, hands, feet, thighs, arms..dasyat eh?;P) and for another, I am hooked on a new love...SCRAPBOOKING!!!

But since this is not a scrapbooking blog, I shall not delve into that.

But I so do miss my henna..:)
hhmm, lemme see....the stains on my palms and hands are fading away so mebbe we're gonna get some henna lovin' tonite, aye?;P

In the meantime, we w.a.i.t...

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