Hunting For the Red Henna?

Oohh girls, if you need some henna lovin', the HennaMomma is here. She finds henna a very therapeutic addiction and is more than happy to share her 'drug' with you.. so c'mon over, browse around and get yourself intoxicated with some henna sugar..!!;)

My other playgrounds

Ramadhan Mubarak..!

Yes darlings...

Ramadhan is here !!
Here's wishing all my readers Ramadhan Mubarak...may this year be better than previous years and may it be full of barakah for all of us, Insya Allah..:)

So yes..I won't be having any brides this holy month (if you do meet of anyone who DOES get married during this time, please tell me..I'd like to find out how they really really can....tahan??such great self-restraint...hehee) but boy, I think I will be a busy momma after that...but that's all good, the HennaMomma lurves it:)

Twice I was asked to do henna at the Ramadhan bazaars along Geylang this year but I think with 3 kids (one of which is sitting for her exams during the period) and a pretty reluctant-to-let-me-leave-him-with-all-the-3-kids hubby, I'd say that's just not feasible..

But of coz, in the meantime, should you need any henna lovin', you know where to reach me rite?

Fasting still can henna, you know...:)

To all my readers and brides, Selamat Berpuasa and Jgn lupa bangon sahor later, hokay...:)

Henna-ed hands to welcome the holy month...:)


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It's quiet here..

Been quite lately eh?;)

Well, for one, I've ran out of 'skin space' to draw on (yes, err, almost all parts of my body is name it, hands, feet, thighs, arms..dasyat eh?;P) and for another, I am hooked on a new love...SCRAPBOOKING!!!

But since this is not a scrapbooking blog, I shall not delve into that.

But I so do miss my henna..:)
hhmm, lemme see....the stains on my palms and hands are fading away so mebbe we're gonna get some henna lovin' tonite, aye?;P

In the meantime, we w.a.i.t...

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Even when I'm tired..

..I still henna!! :P

I told you, it's one helluva addiction!!;P

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Sweets for my sweet

I met one of the sweetest brides last Thursday..;)

She was sweet and shy yet warm and friendly, just as her entire family was..

on her feet
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top of hands
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on her palms.
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meantime, we shall wait for her pix to show the 'after' stains of the henna, alright?;)

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