Hunting For the Red Henna?

Oohh girls, if you need some henna lovin', the HennaMomma is here. She finds henna a very therapeutic addiction and is more than happy to share her 'drug' with you.. so c'mon over, browse around and get yourself intoxicated with some henna sugar..!!;)

My other playgrounds


I forgot..
one more shot.

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I love these!

One of my lovely brides emailed me her after pictures this morning and I must say, these are one of the well-taken pictures I've seen.
Her photographer sure was good :)

Doncha just love those lil' blings on her palms and hands?
Neat, aye?

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I know it's the same ol Forever pattern but I just love the cream colours of her outfit against the red henna...:)

Thank you, Shahira!
I love the 2nd picture so much, I'm using it as my avatar :)

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I'm back..

to sling henna, why of coz...;)

The holiday's ended, school's started and I just finished mixing a fresh pot of henna.
Ok, not exactly a pot but enuff for 3 or 4 brides:)


(Now what smart, witty thing can I say now...hhmmm :P)

So, yeah.
I'm back, keep those emails coming and I'll see you girls when I see you girls :)

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Taking a break...


Just to let you know I won't be in town from today till next Wednesday.
Yes, the Henna Momma needs her break too, y'all;)

I shall be back to serve the brides-to-be next week...I hope:)

So if you have emailed me, please wait patiently for my homecoming, ok?
I shall attend to your emails and queries as soon as I come back..:)

Meantime, have a good weekend and may the Henna be with you ;P

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Pretty in blue

Here's Rita's after pictures.

I was privy to some of her wedding pictures and migod, she looks like a doll!;)

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Tks Rita :)

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Gorgeous stuff

I just love these after pix from Fadila.
She was gorgeous, her henna stains were also as gorgeous...

Doncha just love that stain?;)

Thanks Fadila...:)

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A break in the spell!

Yes, finally a bride broke the spell of that pattern I did which I think I can now do with my eyes closed, no kidding ;)

(methinks me shall call that pattern the Forever Pattern cos I was forever doing it, forever..hehhe)

The bubbly Tuty decided to choose this and I was actually grateful for it!
She was the first to ever choose this so perhaps I shall call this the Tuty Pattern,eh?;)

She was so cute cos she was so worried about the henna stain.
Apparently she did try some henna on her nails and fingers a coupla days before but there was no stain and she was worried that that's how it's gonna be for her henna session with me.

Well, the reason the henna she tried didnt stain AT ALL on her (I didnt even see any orangeish stain!) was becos that henna had been dead many times over! hehee..

I just asked her this morning (cos I henna-ed her yesterday) how did her henna turn out and she gave me a very relieved "Red!!" :D
to quote her sms "I've never seen my nails and palms stain so well" !!

Well, I'm just as happy for you, Tuty!
And dont forget...after pictures, ok?;)

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The complete picture

Here's Faridah's complete henna.
I did a partial one for her nikah and came by a week later to touch up and complete the whole design.

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For the first time everrrr...

I have a bride who gave me 'after' pictures BEFORE the wedding!!!

I had the pleasure of henna-ing Lynn who was one of my sweetest and thoughtful bride.
She was very accomodative and very considerate and very cute.

And I must say, her house has got to be in the rarest condition I've ever seen.
It was pristinely neat!
In spite of going thru wedding preparations, it was still pristinely clean and neat.
I thought I had stepped into the wrong house;)

I suppose that's why she managed to give me these after pictures before her wedding.
Everything in her house was proper and very orderly and I'm still wow-ed.
My house is only like that for the first THREE days of Hari Raya and then it's back to my kindergarten-mode!:D

Ok, enuff blabbering.
Here comes the bride..;)

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oh yeah, at my last count, she was my 6th bride to choose that design :)

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