Hunting For the Red Henna?

Oohh girls, if you need some henna lovin', the HennaMomma is here. She finds henna a very therapeutic addiction and is more than happy to share her 'drug' with you.. so c'mon over, browse around and get yourself intoxicated with some henna sugar..!!;)

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belated pix

I know they're a lil' bit belated but I think it was a case of me forgetting to bring my camera and I had to depend on the bride's and wait for her to email me the pix..

And you know how all the brides get all syiok-ed with married life after that and of coz, kinda forget about me along the way? hehe..

So here's one set of pix from one of the most interesting brides I've ever met...
p/s : thank you so very much Jules..!;)

on her palms

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on the top of her hands

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on her feet

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for her bridesmaids

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