Hunting For the Red Henna?

Oohh girls, if you need some henna lovin', the HennaMomma is here. She finds henna a very therapeutic addiction and is more than happy to share her 'drug' with you.. so c'mon over, browse around and get yourself intoxicated with some henna sugar..!!;)

My other playgrounds


Ah, the hazards of having too many pictures in too many albums.
I forgot that I actually have some stored in another album, one that I dont normally upload my henna pictures to.
And so I found these :

Bride : Syamsidah Dec '06

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Feb brides

Pardon the dust here..
With 3 kids in school and my scrapbooking taking up my time, this place has been a lil' bit quiet eh?
But it has been a pretty quiet season for me..for now.
At least.

But come next week,hahh kauu, the bride season has begun and according to my calendar, I can only take a breather in August!!
Eeekkss...but Alhamdulillah.
Who am I to complain, rite?;)

I got these lovely 'after' pix from who must be one of my favourite brides.
In the 2+ hours I henna-ed her, I felt like an old friend and we were so comfortable talking and chatting and laughing, I felt kinda sad to leave.
Yeah, it was that fun!

Thank you Mimie....:)

And if you find the designs pretty much the same and similiar, it's cos the brides asked for it..
Apparently, they all seem to have the same tastes.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And this is from one of the sweetest and gentlest bride I've ever met..

Thank you, Siti :)
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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