Hunting For the Red Henna?

Oohh girls, if you need some henna lovin', the HennaMomma is here. She finds henna a very therapeutic addiction and is more than happy to share her 'drug' with you.. so c'mon over, browse around and get yourself intoxicated with some henna sugar..!!;)

My other playgrounds

on my own

something I did on my arm....on another boring Friday nite.
(yes, when you have three kids and they need to be up and early the next morning for their religious class, you're pretty much grounded on Friday nites!!)

it started with just this....

and then I figured, why's my shot at HennaMomma Ink..;)

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Dec Brides

Bride : Jannah

Ooohh..I loved, loved, loved being in her room that day.
It was ready, set, good to get married in!!
It was cosy and cool and gorgeous and reminded me of my bridal chamber 12 years back;)





Bride : Lily





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The reasons why.....


We're in 2008 already, so it seems..;P

I do have real good, ahem, reasons for the hiatus.
It was the year-end which translates to yes, lotsa brides but it also meant the school hols and last I checked, I've got these three things that are my kids :D

And I tell ya, having them 3 years apart somehow didnt help in the I-thought-they're-gonna-be-able-to-help-each-other department.

It was 3 different sets of whining,3 different sets of arguments, 3 different sets of problems and sometimes, it meant 3 different sets of solutions.
Most of the times it's a very simple, universal solution.
I believe in the One Rotan Fits All rule.

And add to that, I've always been kept busy with this other hobby of mine.
It's scrapbooking.

How do I explain what's scrapbooking eh?

Err, tell you what, why don't you take a lookie here ...
The 1st 2 are what's called LO (Lay Outs) and the others are altered projects that I either make for friends or was commissioned to make for my friend's friends...





so yeah, these are what's been taking up whatever time I have left...

It's kinda hard juggling mommy stuffs, henna work, scrapbooking and whatever-remains-of-my-free-time-left while trying my darndest to remain sane :P

But I'll try, ok...?

Yes, I have had lotsa brides but most of them ended up chosing the same ol' patterns most of the time and I dont think you'd wanna see the same ol' thing again and again, yes?;)

So lemme go rummage thru and see what are the patterns that I havent uploaded here yet and I'll come back soon...pwomise ;)

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